About Ruth's Heart
The Book of Ruth tells the beautiful story of a Gentile woman who chose to leave her native land, her people and her gods to follow her mother-in-law, an Israelite woman. Ruth joined herself to the people of Israel, their land, their customs, and their God. The God of Israel blessed Ruth’s Heart of faithfulness and service to the people of Israel, making her a link in the generations of Messiah Yeshua.
The “Heart of Ruth” was first conceived in Steve and Mary Ann Lewis when their eyes were opened to understand the Hebraic roots of Christianity. They came to the revelation that the very foundation of Christian faith is set within the context of God’s covenant relationship with Israel. They saw that somehow during the last two thousand years, Christians had lost touch with their roots. In their desire to become reconnected, Steve and Mary Ann began a deeper study of the scriptures, taking into consideration the language, culture, and history of the Jewish people.
Even though the Lewises, are gentiles by birth, and not Jewish, the Lord called them to live in Israel and kept them there for 15 years. They devoted themselves to worship, prayer, and serving the Jewish people, primarily the Messianic Believers, in a variety of ways. This unique experience equips them to address many of the issues which concern the People and the Land of Israel. They have committed their lives to blessing Israel, and to helping Christians understand the importance of doing the same.
Upon returning to the States, Steve and Mary Ann established Ruth’s Heart with a clear mission to Proclaim God’s Heart for Israel. They approach this task by engaging in three specific activities: Education, Prayer, and Making Connections. Whether teaching Biblical truths concerning Israel, mobilizing and leading prayer for Israel, or organizing gatherings to connect local Christians with Messianic Believers from Israel, they testify to God’s everlasting covenantal love towards Israel.
“Carrying an understanding of God’s love for Israel we began to love her too. Ruth’s Heart has been birthed in us, and we are compelled to say along with Ruth, ‘Your people shall be my people, your God my God.’” (Ruth 1:16)

Hidden within the image of the Ruth’s Heart Logo you will find the embrace of Ruth and Naomi. It is a symbol of Ruth’s commitment to love Naomi, to stay with her and care for her, to serve her and her God. This wholehearted devotion was ultimately used by God to help bring forth the lineage of Israel’s Messiah. Our commitment is to love the God of Israel, to love His people, and to teach others to love her, to care for her and serve her, until the revelation of her Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) is birthed in her heart.
Ruth’s Heart is committed to providing solid, Biblical teaching about God’s Heart for Israel.
We Teach
- Mary Ann Teaching about Shabbat
- Stephen speaking about Sukkot
- Stephen and Mary Ann teaching about The Feasts
We Organize Events
Invite us to teach at your church, group or via Zoom
Steve and Mary Ann spent 15 years in Israel serving the Jewish people in a variety of ways. Equipped with knowledge of the Hebrew language and of Jewish history and culture, combined with their study of scripture, Steve and Mary Ann are able to address many of the issues which concern the People and the Land of Israel. Some topics include:
- Understanding God’s Heart for Israel and the Destiny of Nations
- Israel 101 – What is the Relevance of Israel to the Church Today?
- Covenants – God’s Primary Way of Dealing with Man
- How to Pray for Israel
- God’s Biblical Calendar – The Feasts of the Lord
- Enter into His Rest – The Shabbat
- The Kingdom that Will Never Be Destroyed – Israel in the End Times
Invite Steve and Mary Ann to teach at your Church, group, home gathering, or even via ZOOM.
Prayer for Israel has been a central element of the ministry of Ruth’s Heart since its inception.
It is our desire to see believers develop a rich, biblical foundation to undergird their prayers. So whether we are making connections, building relationships, or leading prayer gatherings we are teaching the things we have learned from experience about how to pray for Israel.
We believe one of the most effective ways to deepen prayer for Israel is to make it personal, to put names and faces to “Israel.” Through our conferences and gatherings we are able to connect our friends from Israel with our friends in the U.S. We can’t think of a better way to mobilize prayer for Israel than to promote relationship with Israel.
Why Pray for Israel?
- They remain eternally loved by God
- We benefit when we pray for Israel
- Praying for Israel reminds us that Yeshua is coming back [READ MORE]
We are working on an Israel Prayer Guide!
Would you like a copy?
Whether we are teaching Biblical truths concerning Israel, mobilizing prayer for Israel, or organizing gatherings for Believers from Israel, it’s all about relationship. We are actively involved in building relationship with believers in the U.S., those who already understand God’s heart for Israel as well as those who want to learn more. At the same time, we are maintaining and strengthening relationship with believers in Israel. We are beginning to see community develop as we connect these two groups to one another. It is our great joy to “Make Connections.”
Marianna Gol/Streams in the Desert
“Strengthen the weak hands and make firm the feeble knees. Say to those who are fearful hearted, ‘Be strong, do not fear! Behold your God will come with vengeance; He will come and save you.” (Is. 35:3-4)
Avner and Rachel Boskey/Final Frontier Ministries
“In that day I will restore David’s fallen sukkah. I will repair its broken walls and restore its ruins. I will rebuild it as in the days of old.” Amos 9:11
Orna Grinman/Ot OoMofet Ministries –“A Sign and Example”
“Here am I, and the children whom the LORD has given me! We are for a sign and as an example in Israel…” Isaiah 8:18
Eitan Shishkoff/Fields of Wheat
“The harvest is truly plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore, pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38