Eitan Shishkoff

Eitan’s message is a message of love – God’s love for Israel and God’s love for the nations. He speaks first about God’s transforming work in the hearts of men, a work that is done, in part, by revealing His own heart.


Tents of Mercy (Ohalei Rachamim)


Eitan Shishkoff and his wife Connie lived on hippie communes in northern New Mexico during the early ’70s. In 1972 Eitan found the Messiah through a dramatic vision of His crucifixion, and soon after returned to his Jewish roots as a believer in Yeshua (Jesus).

In 1992 the Shishkoff family made aliyah, settling in the Haifa Bay area of Israel, where Eitan founded Tents of Mercy (Ohalei Rachamim) as a Hebrew-speaking Messianic community and humanitarian aid center. Tents of Mercy has grown to a network of five inter-related congregations.

Eitan serves as founding director of “Katzir” (Harvest), a national equipping ministry for Israeli Messianic teens, serving over 40 local congregations. These youth events led him to envision “Fields of Wheat,” a soon-to-be-established nation-wide hospitality village. Located in the Galilee, the center will host the Jewish and Arab believers of Israel through camps, conferences, retreats, and celebrations. Eitan has also authored the book, “What About Us? The end-time calling of Gentiles in Israel’s revival.”

Eitan and Connie’s have been married for 49 years of marriage and are blessed with four children and nine grandchildren.


Tents of Mercy – the website

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